"If thou lovest me, thou shalt keep my commandments.

John 14-15.  Luke 18:18

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man.

Luke 17:26:30.

The Bible is God's word, a guide to eternal life. It is the truth of God and we must not detract from it or add to it, a lamp to our feet in a dark world. It is written to help us understand who God is, His character, and what He requires of us in order to enter into eternal life. And what He can and will do for us if we choose Him.

Many think that the Bible consists of 66 books. This is not an accurate representation of what is written in the Bible itself about the books that are not (anymore) included, books that we do not find in the Bible are mentioned in various places as such.

The Apostle Paul also speaks about the books: They are of great importance for us to better understand the end times, for example. The most famous book He speaks of is the book of Enoch. This book is an important book because it describes what happened in the time before the flood and the reason for the flood. It gives a picture of that time, a time that we can expect to return. This was prophesied by the Lord Jesus Himself about His return and the conditions that would then prevail on earth. Watching from which we can see that the time is approaching. It will be as in the time of Noah or as in the time of Lot. In both ages, the sin of men was enormous. It's no different today. The Bible teaches how and why we can stop and be forgiven of our sins and choose eternal life.

The books not included.

Below you will find two examples of Bible books that are mentioned by the Apostle Paul but are not included in the Bible itself. The fact that these books were not recorded by compilers of the Bible does not say anything about the validity or authority over these books. Fortunately, they have been preserved and we can therefore investigate for ourselves what the time before the flood looked like and what we can expect back.


The book Jasher is only available for download in English . It is mentioned in the bible in Joshua 10:13. And in 2 Samuel 1:18. It is also called the book of the Sincere.  The book of Yasher was even read and used by Columbus in his preparations before he left for America. For in this book, Jasher, mention is made of the expelled or lost tribes of Israel. And so the truth comes to light more and more and we understand more and more of God's plan of salvation and the prophecies about the true Israel, all the house of Israel, in this day and age, for example in the books of Jeremiah and Isaiah. Many Bible texts become clearer in this way and are therefore a wake-up call. 

Hebrews 11:5. By faith, Enoch was taken away.

The book of Enoch describes the time of Noah, the time that is coming back, the fallen angels and their coming into being and the fall of mankind to this day. It tells of the time before the flood, and the time of Adam and Eve

It also mentions the true calendar, a calendar that differs from the Babylonian calendar used today. This book is also mentioned by Paul in the New Testament. Scriptures 2 Timothy 3:8., Hebrews 11:5, Genesis 5_18-24, Luke 3:37

The book of Gigants.

There is a book in circulation, The Book of Gigants, which also explains what Noah's time entailed. The Nephilim, the giants for example. All of these beings come back in our time as end-time judgments. 

The book of Jubilees

In this book you can read a lot about the Lord's feast days. These holidays are also celebrated in Heaven, For me personally it is nice to know so that I can deepen my relationship with God the father. We don't have to celebrate these holidays literally, but in spirit. The real celebration of feasts comes once we have arrived at the Lord Jesus. "These things are a shadow of the things to come, according to the body of Christ." 2 Colossians 2:16-23 explains the feasts and how a Christian should deal with them.

The Lord Jesus has done much more than is written in our Bible, too much to write down. You read it in John.

And there are many other things that Jesus did. If each of them were to be described separately, I think

The world itself cannot comprehend the written books. John 21:25.

I wish you many blessings and pray to the Holy Spirit for more clarity and revelation of scripture.


Book Of Jasher
PDF – 2,8 MB 107 downloads
The Complete Book Of Enoch Standard English Version Jay Winter
PDF – 2,8 MB 94 downloads
Book Of Jubilees Pdf
PDF – 3,5 MB 7 downloads

Profecy is a blessing from God becouse we can prepare our walk whit Him before He relaeses the jugments on the earth. So repent and live holy.

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The Second Exodus
PDF – 393,8 KB 49 downloads

Al about sinn

Let nothing stay in the way of you and your savior. Sin is a divider and it blocks you're entry in heaven  it is a doorway to the darkness. close every open door and be at peace whit the lord. Ask the holy spirit to help you and to gide you.

The Word Of God Is Vivid And Powerful
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The Holy Spirit Update Apil 24.
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The baptism of your entire household
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The batismen of your household , comes whit repentence and living a holy life.