And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man.

Luke 17:26:30 Genesis 6 and 7. Matthew 24 38-39.

The Bible is God's word, a guide to eternal life. It is the truth of God and we must not detract from it or add to it, a lamp to our feet in a dark world. It is written to help us understand who God is, His character, and what He requires of us in order to enter into eternal life. And what He can and will do for us if we choose Him.

Welcome to the English page of my website. You will find articles translated into English that I have written by inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit for the glory of our Lord Jezus Christ. These articles give a glimpse into the future and why we are living in the end times, what we can expect and what God expects of us in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


And As It Was In The Days Of Noah
Word – 100,9 KB 2 downloads
God With God with us In Isaiah 7:14. and Isaiah 8:3 the prophecy about the coming of the Lord Jesus is recorded and God makes clear who He, the Lord Jesus, really is. "Behold, the virgin will conceive. She will give birth to a Son and call His name Emanue
Word – 102,1 KB 12 downloads
The Holy Spirit Is Given To Us God is calling you. Ezekiel 37.
Word – 61,2 KB 11 downloads
Devotion Part One
Word – 111,1 KB 11 downloads

Part two on forgiveness is about the justice that exists with God for the victims of abuse.

Forgiveness Part Two
Word – 405,3 KB 15 downloads
Do Not Despise The Prophecies
Word – 91,6 KB 34 downloads
Jesus And The Sorrows Revelation 5 To 11 .
Word – 371,7 KB 37 downloads
Book Of Jasher
PDF – 2,8 MB 186 downloads
The Complete Book Of Enoch Standard English Version Jay Winter
PDF – 2,8 MB 178 downloads

The great end-time deception

In our time, we are confronted with many deceptions. One of these deceptions is the arrival of the so-called aliens. However, they are not aliens but fallen angels. We kunnen er over lezen in Openbaringen 12. It is coming before the rapture!

Read more about this massive deception in the article.

Signs given

And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

✨This sign appeared in the sky on September 23, 2017. 

It is a sign of the end times and a signal that the coming, the great tribulation, is not far away. It is also the sign that the church of Christ is born against the tribulation in travail, the woman is a symbol of the church. On the one hand, the coming of the Lord and the outpouring of the Spirit, and on the other, the rise of the end-time persecution, Rev. 12:4. The dragon is the symbol of Satan, who will gain dominion over the earth in the end times and will persecute the woman with his fallen angels. It is the time of the iron kingdom. I have recently been redefined at the coming of the judgments that are imminent. He who is in Christ will be safe. Psalm 91. He who is in Christ and is obedient has the sealing of the Holy Ghost. Repent and live holy. It won't be easy, but Christ lives in us and that's where we find our strength. God bless. 🕊


The fallen angles are here. Revelation 12.
PDF – 1,8 MB 77 downloads
Exodus Who led the people of God to the promised land
Word – 223,5 KB 44 downloads
The Commandments Of Love
Word – 108,7 KB 18 downloads

The plans they have ....

ARMOUR OF GOD A prayer . Efe 6:10-18
Word – 95,3 KB 34 downloads
The Sinister Noahide Laws .
PDF – 1,3 MB 50 downloads
The new wine, outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the earth. prophesied in Joel and Acts. the time is here!
Word – 15,1 KB 46 downloads
Three Days Of Darkness
Word – 487,1 KB 52 downloads
The Miracle Of Repentance
Word – 44,2 KB 51 downloads
Gods Plan Of Salvation
Word – 131,6 KB 57 downloads
Book Of Jubilees Pdf
PDF – 3,5 MB 76 downloads

Profecy is a blessing from God becouse we can prepare our walk whit Him before He relaeses the jugments on the earth. So repent and live holy.

 The Rapture and what is coming fist.

The Second Exodus
PDF – 393,8 KB 125 downloads



The fall of Babylon is a prophecy about Babylon, and the coastal nations of the whole world. It is a judgment of God announced in the Bible by various prophets about Babylon, present-day America described in Revelation 14, 17 and 18.

It also concerns the coastal countries that are located on other continents, such as Europe.

Prepare yourselves for what is to come and seek refuge in the Lord Jesus.

Revelation 18, 17 .  The books of Jesaja and Jeremia.

Babylon (Amerikaand the coastel countries) the great. War and jugement.
Word – 111,6 KB 47 downloads

Al about sinn

Let nothing stay in the way of you and your savior. Sin is a divider and it blocks you're entry in heaven  it is a doorway to the darkness. close every open door and be at peace whit the lord. Ask the holy spirit to help you and to gide you.

Why Sin Is Dangerous
Word – 99,4 KB 64 downloads
The Holy Spirit Christ in us.
Word – 35,5 KB 48 downloads
The baptism of your entire household
Word – 132,9 KB 106 downloads

The batismen of your household , comes whit repentence and living a holy life.

And it is a promise of God. When you repent you wil be saved als so your childeren and ho are for of. acts 2:38-2:39. The lord Jesus Christ wil protect them als in the time of troubles.